Nupur Sandip Maity Apps

Tic Tac Toe 1.0
Now play the popular Tic-Tac-Toe (Noughts&Crosses) game for free. Say 'no' to paper wastage. Go Green!!Re-discover your favourite time-pass game anytime anywhere.
GoDiGi (Digital Electronics) 1.0.1
This is a free application which will help you to learn,practiceand understand digital electronics in a playful manner. Itisintended primarily to engineering students, hobbyistsandprofessionals, who love digital electronics. This applicationisdesigned to make learning easier by incorporating games(currentlyunder development). It helps you to: 1. Read theContents: Thecontents of digital logic are kept as simple &concise aspossible with several examples. I am constantly workingonimproving the contents. I would always advice to refer booksformore knowledge. 2. Quiz the Questions: Test yourdigitalelectronics knowledge by attempting quiz questions. Anadequatenumber of questions have been added, which are madefullyrandomized and non-repetitive. 3. Solve the Number System: Youcanconvert numbers from one base to another, find complements anddoaddition, subtraction in any number system. 4. SimplifytheExpression: You can simplify Boolean expression using karnaughmap(k-map), find truth table, check whether two Boolean functionsareequivalent and find SOP & POS. 5. Simulate the Function:Thisis currently under development. For application updates,cheatcodes etc, please follow me on: